The Limitation Act, 1963 {hereinafter referred to as ILA, 1963} has the objective of doing justice and equity with the society and the defendant in a suit, appeal or an application. The public policy behind the Act is to bring legal status and legal relationship of an individual to certainty. Moreover, it is in the interest of society to put an end to litigation followed by the legal maxim interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium. The ILA, 1963 prescribes the period of limitation for filing every suit, appeal, or application in the schedule of the act. The applicant/ respondent shall file the same within the prescribed time period. However, in cases where the delay is caused in filing the same ILA, 1963 provides for the principle of Condonation of Delay in Section 5 of the ILA, 1963. The provision provides that an appeal or application can be condoned if the party concerned suffices the ‘sufficient cause’ of delay in filing an appeal or application. Extend...
The Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) was established under MUIT Uttar Pradesh Act No. 31 of 2001 Notification no 573 dated 06 October, 2001. The University Main Campus is at Sitapur Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The University is reputed to disseminate quality education. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji was the First Chancellor of the University. MUIT has been recognized and included in the list of Universities, maintained by the UGC under section 2 (f) of the UGC Act,