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Showing posts from March, 2022

उभरता हुआ नया प्रोफेशन: मोबाइल जर्नलिज़्म

  इंटरनेट की आसान पहुंच और हर हाथ में स्मार्ट मोबाइल फोन के कारण जर्नलिज्म के प्रति लोगों की बढ़ती रुचि के चलते  मोबाइल जर्नलिज्म  की मांग बढ़ रही है। इसकी वजह से वर्तमान में पत्रकारिता की एक नई विधा मोबाइल जर्नलिज़्म तेजी के साथ देश में उभर रही है। आज मोबाइल रिपोर्टर की मांग बहुत ज्यादा हो गई है। इसी के साथ पत्रकारिता के क्षेत्र में  मोबाइल जर्नलिज़्म  के नाम से एक नया आयाम जुड़ गया। इसमें अपार संभावनाएं भी हैं। मोबाइल एक ऐसा उपकरण है जिसकी उपयोगिता के बारे में एक आम आदमी ही नहीं, बल्कि पूरी तरह शिक्षित  लोग भी कम ही जानते हैं। इसके बावजूद मोबाइल एक ऐसा उपकरण बन चुका है जिसकी उपयोगिता अनेक हैं। उसी में से एक  मोबाइल जर्नलिज़्म  वर्तमान में पत्रकारिता प्रोफेशन की एक उभरती हुई नई विधा है। मोबाइल जर्नलिज़्म के लिए जरूरी साज और सामान हो, उसका बेहतर उपयोग करना आता हो यानि तकनीकी कौशल, तकनीकी, और उपकरण की समझ होनी जरूरी है। इसकी खास वजह है, प्रिंट मीडिया, चैनल, डिजिटल मीडिया या सोशल मीडिया आदि सभी को बिल्कुल नई व तत्काल घटी घटनाओं से दर्शकों को अवगत कराने मे...

Benefits of Journalism and Mass Communication Courses

Journalism and Mass Communication Courses have various oppournity in Job. It opens the many option to get into. The programs curriculum is wide ranging and interdisciplinary and carefully balances theoretical and practical informative knowledge. The curriculum familiarises students with concepts both in theory and practice, introduces them to various streams of communication discipline, provides hands-on experience on all relevant skill areas and allows students to specialize in communication and media sector. As part of its professional emphasis, the program provides an opportunity to students to gain practical work experience through interaction with leading professionals from the media and communication sector and assists students in finding suitable placements and self-employment opportunities. The Innovative-developed and advanced media with the different media stages has taken a brawl of great significance in the social, economic, and political lives of the people. In such a sit...

Money Market in India

In today’s globalised economy, a well-regulated financial sector is critical.  Financial innovation  has aided in the growth of the economy. A financial institution is a company that offers financial services to its customers or members. Acting as financial intermediaries is probably the most important financial service provided by  financial institutions . The government regulates most financial organizations heavily. For money market purposes, money does not just refer to bank notes, it also refers to a variety of assets that can be converted into cash quickly, such as short-term government securities, bills of exchange, and bankers’ acceptances. In an economy with risk averse savers and learning by loan, this article examines the true consequences of  financial markets  following financial deregulation.  When the initial amount of worthwhile assets known by financial intuitions is insufficient, the transition from full financial repression to full financ...

Approach of Supreme Court Towards Condonation of Delay in Matters of State

  The Limitation Act, 1963 {hereinafter referred to as ILA, 1963} has the objective of doing justice and equity with the society and the defendant in a suit, appeal or an application. The public policy behind the Act is to bring legal status and legal relationship of an individual to certainty. Moreover, it is in the interest of society to put an end to litigation followed by the legal maxim interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium. The  ILA, 1963  prescribes the period of limitation for filing every suit, appeal, or application in the schedule of the act. The applicant/ respondent shall file the same within the prescribed time period. However, in cases where the delay is caused in filing the same ILA, 1963 provides for the principle of  Condonation of Delay  in Section 5 of the ILA, 1963. The provision provides that an appeal or application can be condoned if the party concerned suffices the ‘sufficient cause’ of delay in filing an appeal or application. Extend...